Chimney Siding Repair

Chimney Wood Rot Repair

Because chimneys are not insulated past where they bump out past the main wall, any water or moisture that enters will quickly run down or pool up inside the structure. This can lead to mold and other hazardous conditions which can quickly devalue your home. Scott's Painting & Staining Inc. can perform a free home inspection to determine the cause and condition of your chimney and provide an estimate with the chimney wood rot repair cost. We will only replace what is required rather than replacing all of the siding on the entire chimney. However, chimney rotting is not addressed early, it may end up requiring all of the chimney siding to be replaced and in severe cases the chimney frame or wooden structure. For wood siding repair, please give us call for an inspection at the first sign of siding rot.

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Chimney Siding Repair Cost vs. Chimney Siding Replacement Cost

  • Chimney siding replacement cost falls within a typical range of $500 to $2,000.
  • Painting the Chimney repairs typically ranges from $300 to $800.
  • Factors like how soon the problem is identified and how long it has been exposed to water all play into the extent of chimney wood rot repair cost.
  • Chimneys with hardboard siding in Omaha NE, typically require the siding and chimney trim to be replaced. Once the siding starts to rot it cannot be properly repaired without replacing it, which adds to the overall cost.

We recommend hardboard siding homes be caulked, sealed and painted at least every 10-12 years. Often the chimneys may require touch-ups if they begin to show any signs of wear. The cedar corners are often a good indicator of condition. If you see any peeling paint on the cedar trim or any rotting, swelled or bulging siding, it is time for an inspection.

Siding & Chimney Repair

Chimney Siding and Chimney Trim Repair
We are the only Painting and Siding Company specializing in Chimney Siding Repair in Omaha NE. Improperly installed or maintained Hardboard siding just cannot withstand the Nebraska elements. This is especially true for chimneys which extend above the roofline and are subject to all the extreme weather and sun-damage. They require more maintenance including caulking and painting to prevent the hardboard siding from rotting. Additionally, if the roof flashing was not installed well, it can be entry point for water and mold growth. We often will install kick-out flashing where needed to divert water away from suspectable areas to prevent costly chimney repairs.

Examples of Chimney Wood Rot

The siding on the chimney and back side of the homes below were in disrepair. We receive calls for chimney siding repair of this type almost daily. In this example a metal patch is covering a hole, there are rotted trim boards and improperly installed flashing. Incorrect flashing can often cause much of the initial damage and in this case, wood was used improperly to cover missing caulking. Unfortunately, we see this type of poor craftsmanship all too often with homes using hardboard siding, in Omaha, La Vista and the Papillion areas.

Visit our Full Siding Services page for a complete list of products and services.

  • Notice the swelling or bubbled up siding near the bottom of each board. This indicates water damage.
  • Notice the horizontal boards that retain water
  • Notice the unnecessary seam near the roof fascia
  • Notice the vertical 1x4 corners that go all the way up INSTEAD of butting up against the horizontal 1x4's
  • Notice the siding which is too close to the shingles and will wick up moisture
  • Most chimney rotting and deterioration is due to water entering near the edge of the gutter. Often there is not enough flashing or the flashing may be improperly installed. Scott's Painting can add the correct flashing or kickout flashing (also known as a diverter flashing) to divert large quantities of water. Using a kickout flashing can help keep the majority of the water on a roof from ever coming in contact with the siding.
  • If the siding on the rest of your home is soft, leaking or rotting, we have a solution for that too!
  • We specialize in repairing and replacing all types of chimney siding from the chimney crown down to the soil. We can remove or lift the chimney cap or chimney chase cover, allowing for proper full replacement of any type of wood chimney repair or concrete siding.

These are all issues which unless you really know HOW it should be done, you would never know that your chimney is built incorrectly. Call Scott's Painting & Staining Inc. today for a free home inspection and estimate. We offer various solutions for all budgets, and will let you know which option is the best long-term solution for your chimney!

Rotted Siding with Holes & Fungus

Chimney siding replacement with Hardboard Siding Rotting with holes

Chimney Siding, Caulked & Flashed

Omaha Chimney siding repair with new hardboard siding, new flashing, caulking and new cedar chimney trim boards

Painted in Sherwin Williams SuperPaint - Satin

Chimney wood rot repair and cedar chimney trim repainted with Sherwin Williams Exterior Super Paint in a Satin finish

Rotting Chimney

Chimney siding replacement with Hardboard Siding Rotting with holes

New Siding

Chimney siding repair with new hardboard siding, new flashing, caulking and new cedar trim boards

New Paint

Chimney wood rot repair and cedar trim repainted with Sherwin Williams Exterior Super Paint in a Satin finish

Decayed & Torn Siding

Chimney wood rotting - costly repair

New Vertical 4'x9' Siding & Cedar Trim

Vertical Georgia-Pacific Chimney Siding Installed, seams and punctured nails caulked

Painted in Sherwin Williams SuperPaint - Satin

Cedar Trim primed with Oil-Based Primer and Painted with Sherwin Williams Exterior SuperPaint in a Satin finish

Rotted hardboard

Wood Chimney Repair Cost - Siding Torn and Decayed

New Siding

Vertical Georgia-Pacific Chimney Siding Installed, seams and punctured nails caulked

Painted Chimney

Cedar Chimney Trim primed with Oil-Based Primer and Painted with Sherwin Williams Exterior SuperPaint in a Satin finish

Swelled & Bubbled Siding on Chimney

Exterior Chimney Siding is Swelled and Bubbled up from dry rot

New 4'x9' Siding, Flashing & Cedar Chimney Trim

Vertical 4'x9' Siding Replaced, new Cedar Chimney Trim boards caulked and metal flashing installed

Rotted Swelled Siding under Chimney Cap

Exterior Chimney Siding is Swelled and Bubbled up from dry rot

New Siding under Chimney Chase Cover

Vertical 4'x9' Siding Replaced, new Cedar trim boards caulked and metal flashing installed